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Our range of Ocean Decade Toolkits makes it easier than ever to communicate about the importance of the ocean and inspire action.

Developed in partnership with:


Our Incredible Ocean

A toolkit to help raise awareness of the fundamental importance of the ocean to life on Earth, and help inspire ocean protection.


The Magic of Coral Reefs

A toolkit to help raise awareness of coral reefs — the ocean’s megacities. Use it to help inspire coral reef protection and restoration.


The Magic Of Mangroves

A toolkit to help raise awareness of mangroves — the world’s most important trees. Use it to help inspire mangrove protection and restoration.


The Magic of Seagrass

A toolkit to help raise awareness of seagrass — the ocean’s wild savannas. Use the Toolkit to help inspire seagrass protection and restoration.


Diving Into Ocean Acidification

A toolkit to help raise awareness of ocean acidification — climate change's equally evil twin.